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Gun Status


Green Light


Hells Angels MC

Warlocks MC

Highwaymen MC

Hells Lovers MC

Iron Order MC

Diablos MC
Heathens MC

Wheels of Soul MC

Valhalla Vikings MC


Yellow Light


Other Outlaws (Not everybody respects Charlie)


Red Light


Black Pistons MC

Bandidos MC

Mongols MC

Outcast MC

Vagos MC

Grim Reapers MC

Rook Machine MC

Kingsmen MC

Abutres MC






























Outlaws MC PS4 Authority


Outlaws SA MC PS4

Outlaws SA Probate

Outlaws Hangarounds

Black Pistons PSN MC

Black White Nation



In-active charter/crew(s) not listed

We are a free-aim MC on GTA 5 for PS4. If it sounds like something for you, feel free to take a look at the "Become a Hangaround" tap. We only accept players who are 18+ and NOT in any other Motorcycle club. All newcomers must link their system to the social club and make their profile 100% visible.


Players who want to join but does not fell comfortable with the Free-aim targeting mode. We are more than happy to show you the Free-Aim part of GTA Online, and help you get into this new way of playing.

Players who have converted to Free-Aim knows the huge difference, and will tell you that it is the only way to compete.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



Our club is based on 4 things. Honor, Loyalty, Respect and Brotherhood. Here is a sentence that describes us, "You can turn a good brother into a good shooter, but you can't turn a good shooter into a good brother." We value the unity in our club above all else and our teamwork is what makes the Outlaws MC PS4 and it has been that since day one. Every day we work to make our community better and make our brotherhood stronger. We have a tough story, but we still stand strong and that proves what we are all about. 


"MC" Does not stand for Military Crew, though a lot of the Motorcycle Clubs on GTA acts like that's the case.

Our Club stands by its principles If you claim to be an MC you have to for fill it. We have managed to consistently stand by our bylaws since the day we were founded and have not been forced to go outside our ways or give in at any point, or time. 



Show some love and take a minut of your time to visit our Youtube channel, where you can find crew battles and more. 


Don't forget to subscripe, and stay tuned for more videos.



This is not a real life MC only a fictional crew portrayed by online gamers, any content used is not related to any real world motorcycle club. This gaming community is set up and played out of the up most respect for all motorcycle clubs around the world. © 2015 Outlaws MC PS4 created by f1234erik using


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