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Become a Hangaround

The hangaround period is just for you to get a taste of the Club. You are not a member nor a representative of our Club and we have no claim on you and neither do you on us. It is a time when you size up the club and ask yourself if we are what you want. It is also a time when we are sizing you up and asking ourselves if you are what we want. It's a gentleman's agreement at this point. There is no dishonor for either us or you if you back away from the club. In making your decision, you should remember that as a Probate in our club, life will be a lot harder than it is in the Hangaround period. Until you get patched, you will be sitting out Church meetings as an outsider, standing guard, and running errands.


Once in a game with us you will have to introduce yourself, so make sure you have a mic. We normally also expect our members to be 18+ because we want our crew to stay on a mature level, so if you are younger you will have to prove that you are mature enough for our brotherhood.

After your Hangaround period, if you and we wish that you proceed upon this point there will be a test that determines if you know enough to become a Probate. If you pass the test and the Outlaws thinks that you are potential brother material, there will then be a ceremony where we will hand you our Probate patch. Afterwards, you will be a step closer to becoming a brother.


This is not a real life MC only a fictional crew portrayed by online gamers, any content used is not related to any real world motorcycle club. This gaming community is set up and played out of the up most respect for all motorcycle clubs around the world. © 2015 Outlaws MC PS4 created by f1234erik using


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