Chapter I
Member Etiquette
§ 1
Each member will show unconditionally respect to one another, which is regardless of nationality, age, gender, race, religious beliefs, appearance or disabilities.
§ 2
PCS. 1.
We ask members to refrain from excessive hateful speech, simply because it does little to aid the club in productive communications and overall morale of the crew.
PCS. 2.
We do accept the use of impulsive speech, when in the heat of battle or just roaming around San Andreas, after all, it is an online gaming/roleplaying environment.
§ 3
When a fellow member takes off, make sure he is not riding alone, does not matter if it's a private lobby we never ride alone.
§ 4
No member will go against anything the club has voted for and passed.
§ 5
No member will get together on their own and plan something for themselves on club rides. It will be brought up to the whole club and the whole club will participate in anything that is decided upon.
§ 6
The club will always stay together on rides, runs, parties, field meets etc. and will not fraternize with the clubs rivals. The only way a member will be permitted to leave the main group will be to notify the president or whoever is in charge. When the time comes that the majority feels it is time to leave, we will all leave together. Anyone staying behind for a good reason will do so at his own risk and can expect no help.
§ 7
When someone earns their patch, it does not mean that he has reached the ultimate goal and from that point can kick back and relax.
§ 8
Respect is to be shown to all club members belongings such as bikes, Ol' ladies, Vans, beer, weapons, etc. In other words, if it's not yours, Don't Mess with it.
§ 9
Good Sportsmanship is expected in every part of the game, whether it is public lobbies, crew vs crew competition, or on social club. Remember to the public you are seen not just as an individual but as a representative of the Outlaws MC PS4.
§ 10
Socializing with "Green Light" or "Bad Standing" individuals Is forbidden, and will have severe consequences If violated.
§ 11
PCS. 1.
Members cannot belong to any other club.
PCS. 2.
Except support club's, if under the right authority.
PCS. 3.
Support club's, have a looser grip on the bylaws but still follow the core.
§ 12
Wearing the color red on your clothing is only acceptable if it's blood from a Hells Angel, though it's allowed to use the color on any vehicle, tattoo or as a tribute to your equipment.
§ 13
No member will take the attitude that he doesn't have to help other members and other members don't have to help him.
§ 14
When a member says "Charlie" everybody have to stay quiet until the member is done talking.
§ 15
Respect the hierarchy within the club.
§ 16
Any Member caught glitching, modding or using a game exploit to their advantage, will immediately be set for a club vote about their future.
§ 17
When we fight people or other MC's, we do it in Third Person only. If you come to the conclusion that the individual you are fighting is using some kind of In-game exploit, mod or hack then you are allowed to access First Person, this is because the well-known "Auto-Aim Glitch" works less efficient if the target is in First Person.
§ 18
If a group or individual attacks any member, the whole club shall stand behind him and fight if necessary
§ 19
Do as you say or walk the line, don't go against your word.
§ 20
We do have a dress code. Keep the biker theme, No goofy hats, masks, glasses, etc.
Chapter II
§ 21
If two members have had a "beef" over a longer period of time, and they can't come to a solution themselves, a meeting with both parties will be arranged to calm the situation. If common ground cannot be met, Suspensions or removals will be purposed to both members. This will happen by a club vote, based on the infraction versus our rules. Through communication and understanding of our bylaws there should never be any reason for there to be any discipline given.
§ 22
Taking the patch for granted, or in other ways disrespecting Charlie will lead to immediate removal.
§ 23
Those who are correctly informed recognize the deep level of personal commitment and self-discipline that a member or hopeful member has to demonstrate and sustain in order to wear a patch. You realize that a club's "Colors" are closely guarded and the membership process is long and difficult. Other factors notwithstanding, you have to respect your fellow Patchholders for what they have accomplished by being able to earn and keep the patch they wear. This is respect born out of recognition of dedication and accomplishment. Our Club strives for respect for this reason.
Chapter III
§ 24
PCS. 1.
Your brother might not always be right. You might not agree with every single decision he makes, But at the end of the day, he's still your brother and therefore you're expected to backup every move he makes.
PCS. 2.
Always remember to keep the judgment on the club's side.
§ 25
Make sure if a brother allows you take his bounty, don't look him the eyes when killing him, make him turn around.
§ 26
Brothers shall not fight each other with weapons.
§ 27
You walk in together and you walk out together, no brothers get left behind at any time.
§ 28
When there is a brawl going on between two brothers, a third brother can't interfere.
Chapter IV
§ 29
In order to be eligible for officer, a patch member has to be an active member in good standing.
§ 30
Patch members who aspire towards a particular position will campaign informally for one week prior to the election.
§ 31
Electioneering is conducted on an interpersonal face to face basis, at Church.
§ 32
Hopeful candidate will approach another brother (an officer), inform him what he is willing to stand for officer, if nominated, ask for brothers opinion of your qualifications, and solicit the member's support.
Chapter V
Free-Roam Etiquette
§ 33
PCS. 1.
The Free-Roam Etiquette is very similar to the Member Etiquette. Grenade launchers, rocket launchers, auto shotguns, snipers, sticky bombs, grenades, proximity mines and miniguns is the members personal responsibility to use in a fair manner in GTA Online Free-Roam, though the only exception is the Stinger or otherwise known as the Homing Launcher and the RPG, those are only allowed to be put to use, if you are being targeted by an airborne vehicle or any kind of armoured vehicle. We do also take distance from Helicopters, Tanks, Jets, Cars, Trucks, etc. after all, we are a biker crew.
PCS. 2.
If you are against another player who uses the weapons we have banished, just take him on, because we will meet a lot of people like that, we ask all members to adapt. The reason for the banished weapons is because there is a lot of players out there who record our every move, use common sense when brawling and do not make us or yourself look bad.
§ 34
When in Free-Roam always give fellow players the benefit of the doubt, only fire if fired upon.
Chapter VI
§ 35
PCS. 1.
Every state of our club (hangaround, probate and full patch charters) have a KIK chat specifically for each, it's the individuals responsibility to get added to the KIK chat, whilst mandatory.
PCS. 2.
No member is allowed to discuss club related issues on the crew feed, their own feed, or anywhere public. Please keep club business inside the full patch KIK chat or on Social Club private messages. We do prefer that club business ain't discussed anywhere else than Church, or in a party chat if necessary.
Chapter VII
Formation riding
§ 36
All members are expected to have at least one bike, that has no speed related upgrades, for formation rides. We want to keep the pack together.
§ 37
If a brother crashes, you say "Brother down" and every individual in the pack has to stop, no matter what. When the brother is back on his bike, the ride will continue.
§ 38
When chasing our rivals, if a brother yells "Brother down" one brother will stay behind with him, the higher the rank, the higher the importance.
Chapter VIII
Match Etiquette
§ 39
During matches, it is important that you fully respect the rules that are set prior to the match whether it is Racing, TDM, LTS, Capture or any game mode outside of Free-Roam fighting. If you go outside of the match rules you will be told firmly to follow the rules. This is very important to our club. Breaking this rule will impact your status within the club.
Chapter IX
Gun Status
§ 40
PCS. 1.
Because our MC are widely know in the MC community, we have people looking to get us. Therefore the gun status which indicates who to shoot at and who to look out for.
Yellow = Don't shoot on sight, but be ready for the worst.
Green = Empty your clip on em!
Red = Our alliances
PCS. 2.
If the club ain't either Yellow or Green follow the Free-Roam Etiquette.
Chapter X
Stay active
§ 41
All members need to regularly attend meetings, rides and church. We are a Brotherhood, we need each other around.
Chapter XI
Real Life
§ 42
PCS. 1.
If real-life issues are keeping you from attending our meetings on a regular basis then speak to a higher op. and ask to be set on a standby.
PCS. 2.
We understand that real life comes before GTA but please make sure to inform us if you are going to be gone for a longer period of time.
PCS. 3.
If you cannot attend regular club busines, please make sure to notify us.
PCS. 4.
To those you choose to take advantage of our Standby offer, you will be kicked from the club and set up as a no good individual to the rest of the MC Community.
Chapter XII
§ 43
Inactive members will be contacted, and will be asked to explain themselves or in others cases (Real Life chapter) set on standby. If the member doesn't answer, a vote will be set in motion. The vote will determine If the member is to be kicked or set on standby.
Chapter XIII
§ 44
Stay loyal to your MC, Brothers and Allies, don't be disrespecting them. All Snitches and infiltrators have a chance to come clean, no repercussions.
Chapter XIV
Former Members/Leaving/Returning
§ 45
PCS. 1.
Members who leave the club completely without notice or get kicked out, will NOT be allowed back in, no exceptions. If you leave, be a man and at least respect the club enough to inform us.
PCS. 2.
If you leave on good terms you may be able to rejoin if voted in. Returning members will be asked to probate, for 2 weeks. Make sure to use the OFFO statement with the meaning it holds, often times forever is not forever but to most of us it is.
Chapter XV
§ 46
Any member seen socializing with rivals or any sort of people that the club see unfitting will be subject to investigation.
§ 47
Club business is strictly for members only, any member caught leaking club information will be banned immediately, and exposed to the MC community as an infiltrator.
§ 48
Anything said between club members is club business ONLY. If comments, even those said in a joking manner were to get out, problems could start. Discussion outside the privacy of the Club can start rumors which could cause a lot of problems for the Club.
Chapter XVI
§ 49
PCS. 1.
Official allies are decided by the gun status.
PCS. 2.
If a member brings in a friend, it is that members responsibility, that the friend doesn't break the club bylaws while playing with us. Every "fuck up" from the friends side goes directly to the member.
Chapter XVII
§ 50
There will be no direct club patch-overs, high op's will decide what the patch-overs have to do before becoming a part of the Outlaws MC PS4. We accept club fusions but they'll have to agree with every aspect of our Bylaws.
§ 51
If it is one or two etc. members who want to patch over they will have to do full Hangaround/Probate Periode, if no other agreements are made.
§ 52
If a member of the Outlaws MC PS4 want to patch over to another club or (crew) the member will have to bring it up at Church. Depending on certain circumstances it will then be decided if the member will leave on good or bad terms.
Chapter XVIII
§ 53
The only place where ideas and thoughts over the week really get discussed and voted on, same as patch overs new members/rules. There is Church every week, the date of alot of times decided by the officers who will set the date where we most players can attend, but for the most part Church is the same day and time each week.
§ 54
Hangarounds and Probates are not allowed to attend Church, therefore ain't allowed to discuss club business either.
§ 55
One organized Church per week.
§ 56
If a vote is taken at a meeting and a member is not there, his vote is void, But another brother is allowed to vote for him if he has been talking with the missing patch member prior to the Church.
§ 57
Church will be closed for probationary members and hangarounds, who will stand guard outside.
§ 58
During Church, no brothers are allowed to wear glasses, bandanas or any kind of hats.
Chapter XIX
Ol' lady
§ 59
In regard to women who are with us, but not in the club: Ol' Lady is not a negative or derogatory term, it's just a slang term commonly used. "Property Of" patches are their way of showing support for their man and the club he is in.
§ 60
Members are responsible for their Ol' ladies.
§ 61
Members may have more than one Ol' lady.
§ 62
Members must state who their Ol' lady is.
§ 63
Members may discuss club business with their Ol' lady, But if anything leaks the punishment will fall on the Brother.
§ 64
No Ol' ladies allowed at meetings.
Chapter XX
§ 65
The term Brother or Bro has special meaning to a Patch member, do not call a Patch member Brother or Bro. Their Brothers are fellow Patch members and those that have earned that term.
§ 66
Probation is not an initiation, as you would find in a fraternity. It is instead a period of time that is sustained until the person, in every sense, conducts themselves with the respect that is mandated to be a Patch member.
§ 67
All newcomers must fill out the form in the "Become a Hangaround" tap.
§ 68
The attitude is conditioned so that you displays a sense of responsibility and respect toward the Patch members of the club, without which they will not develop a sense of how you respect the Brotherhood.
§ 69
You are educated in basic MC protocol and etiquette.
§ 70
You are given time to develop the habits that are basic to good security and good communications.
§ 71
To get into the habit of participating.
§ 72
To become accustomed to trusting the judgment, at times blindly, of those patch members who will someday be your Brother.
§ 73
Before getting patched in, newcomers will have to do an unspecified amount of time as a Hangaround and Probationary. When the time is done, the Probates/Hangarounds future in the club will come to a vote, together with a test.
§ 74
Before becoming a Probate you will have to do a Hangaround Periode.
§ 75
If you are ex-HA you won't be allowed to become a Hangaround.
§ 76
Do not touch or sit on a patch holders' bike unless invited to do so. Do not expect the invitation.
§ 77
Hangarounds cannot be in any other crew, unless approved by Higher op's.
§ 78
All Hangarounds has to be 18+ and own a mic.
§ 79
All Hangarounds have to set their profile to visible for everybody to see.
§ 80
All Hangarounds will have their GTA background checked by a club officer.
§ 81
All Hangarounds will have to pass a review before getting accepted as a Probate.
§ 82
Hangarounds and Probates are guards for patch members, look out and get familiar with your surroundings.
§ 83
Probates cannot make use of "Charlie" nor can Hangarounds.
§ 84
Hangarounds/Probates are not allowed to ride the "Sovereign" (Mainly because you can't change the color)
§ 85
All Hangarounds have to wear the "Hangaround uniform" which is a charcoal T-Shirt with the Hangaround patch on the back, Black Heist Pants(Boots tucked in), and nothing else (glasses toghter with other accessories is allowed if approved, do not expect that.)
§ 86
Probates must show a sincere interest in the biker lifestyle.
§ 87
Probates keep their mouth shut, and never discuss club business.
§ 88
Probates have no rank or privileges.
§ 89
Probates are only referred to as Probate.
§ 90
Probating should not be looked at as a necessary evil, but a labor of love.
§ 91
Probates are expected to have a fair amount of knowledge about the real life biker world, of course knowledge that can be acquired through media.
§ 92
Probates are club slaves, they are expected to go through fire for the patch.
§ 93
All Probates have to wear the "Hangaround Uniform" but with a black leather jacket on as well, with the Probate patch on the back.
§ 94
Probates have to dye their hair pink.
§ 95
Probates can only drive a pink Harley type bike.
§ 96
Probates are not allowed to smoke or drink.
§ 97
Probates who mess up will be put back to Hangaround until they are ready to move up again, but if they either mess up Hangaround or Probate again, they will be discharged without another chance.
Outlaws MC PS4 Bylaws